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  • 用户同意:
  • 1)本网站包含的所有信息应始终保持作为中远海运集运的财产。
  • 2)虽然本网站可能包含其他专有通知和版权信息,但用户必须遵守这些通知和信息的条款和条件。
  • 3)用户不得作出任何尝试确定或获取由中远海运集运分配给任何第三方的密码或使用未分配给特定用户的密码去获取任何第三方的货运信息。
  • 4)中远海运集运将利用用户提供的信息识别和联系与其服务和应用相关的信息,为用户建立服务。中远海运集运在提供服务时,可向其代理人、集团公司、分包商或独立承建商提供用户信息,作维护或改善服务之用。中远海运集运将尽最大努力监督上述各方的安全管理,以保障这些信息。
  • 5)中远海运集运可随时更改和更新本网站上的任何资料,恕不另行通知。
  • 6)除另有说明外,本网站提供的所有信息仅供参考,不构成中远海运集运与用户之间的法律合同。
  • 7)用户应保持其与中远海运集运相关的密码和所有信息保密,不透露给任何第三方,除了其董事、官员和雇员(对特定货运,除了代理,货代,发货人,收货人和通知方)。用户应进一步确保这些董事、管理人员和雇员应保守用户的密码和所有此类信息的机密,不向任何第三方透露。
  • 8) 如果用户密码和/或与用户与中远海运集运的货物有关的任何信息被泄露,除非前段允许,用户应立即将任何此类事件通知中远海运集运,并应保护中远海运集运免受由披露或与之相关,或随后滥用、更改、盗用或欺诈性使用此类密码和/或信息引起的任何投诉、索赔和损害,责任、损失、损害和费用,包括律师费。
  • 9)用户确认,中远海运集运不承担因任何第三方泄露用户密码或使用用户密码获取的任何货运信息而产生的任何责任,但因中远海运集运重大过失导致的除外。
  • 10)付款
  • 10.1注册用户将按网站上规定的或中远海运集运另行规定的时间和方式及时支付所有适用于任何产品或受保护的服务的费用。
  • 10.2本网站或以其他方式规定的所有款项均不包括与产品或服务的供应有关的任何销售和/或任何其他税费,注册用户应按适用税率缴纳这些税费。
  • 11) 如果客户(包括发货人、托运人、收货人、货物的所有人、提单的持有人或背书人、任何拥有、有权拥有或主张拥有货物或提单的人,以及任何代表这些人的人)未能按照协议正确地声明货物到达,隐瞒和错误地声明货物的危险性质,承运人有权(1)要求客户在下列日期起两个工作日内向承运人支付10000美元的违约金:承运人发现隐瞒申报的,(2)立即终止运输被客户隐瞒申报的货物和同一客户的其他货物,直至查明货物的真实品名和性质,(3)对货物有留置权,退还或者拍卖被隐瞒申报的危险货物,此外,所有发生的费用和损失将由客户承担。上述条款不影响承运人因客户对货物危险性质的隐匿和不正确的声明而造成的损失和费用的索赔,以及为实现承运人的索赔而对仍受承运人控制的货物采取的措施(留置权/拍卖)。
  • 12)如果客户擅自改变集装箱结构,导致违反本协议约定,客户应自承运人发现集装箱结构发生变化之日起两个工作日内向承运人支付2000美元的违约金。上述条款不影响承运人就未经其授权而改变集装箱结构所造成的承运人的损失和费用向客户提出的索赔。
  • 使用限制
  • 本网站展示的所有材料,包括但不限于数据、文本、图形、图像、声音和/或视频,其版权由中远海运集运或材料的原始创作者持有。未经中远海运集运或版权所有人事先书面许可,不得以任何形式或方式复制、复制、分发、出版、张贴、改编、展示或传播上述材料。没有中远海运集运的书面许可,用户也不能在其他服务器上镜像本网站内容。未经授权使用本网站所载的任何资料,可能违反中华人民共和国的法律、法规及有关国际条约。
  • 错误
  • 本网站所有资料均按原样提供,不保证使用本材料的准确性、及时性、完整性、可靠性或获得的结果,也没有任何明示或暗示的保证。中远海运集运或其任何关联公司、子公司、董事、员工、代理或任何类型的代表(“关联方”)不对任何错误、不准确或遗漏或使用本材料所获得的结果负责或承担责任。 中远海运集运及其关联方不保证用户可以随时访问、浏览或使用本网站,并不对用户继续访问和使用本网站及其材料承担任何责任。
  • 隐私
  • 除下述规定外,中远海运集运不发布或传播通过网站注册的任何信息。
  • 1)获得用户的明示授权
  • 2)遵守适用法律
  • 3)根据法院或仲裁机构对裁判或裁决等司法程序的要求。
  • 4)根据符合政府有关部门的要求。
  • 5) 用户或用户在网站上的行为违反使用条款或其他侵害利益的行为。
  • 6) 为使船公司向客户提供的服务得以正常开展必须行使。
  • 责任免除
  • 1) 在任何情况下,中远海运集运及其关联方均不对因依赖本网站上的资料而作出的任何决定或采取的任何行动,或任何性质的损失、损害或索赔,或任何直接、间接、附带、后果性、特殊、惩罚性或其他损害承担责任,包括但不限于,因访问或使用本网站而造成的营业中断或数据或利润损失的责任,即使中远海运集运已明确告知此类损害的可能性。
  • 2) 中远海运集运及其关联方不承担任何责任,也不对可能感染用户计算机、任何其他软件的任何损害、病毒或其他破坏性物品承担任何责任,由于用户访问、使用或浏览本网站或从本网站下载任何材料而产生的硬件或其他IT系统或其他财产
  • 3)中远海运集运及其关联方不承担任何责任,也不承担因第三方不正当访问本网站、密码或本网站信息或数据而造成的任何损害。
  • 4)第三方托管服务
  • 我们与一个或多个第三方签订合同,维护和托管船公司的网站。因此,用户提交的任何信息,包括个人识别信息,将被放置并存储在由第三方维护的计算机服务器上。用户对船公司网站的使用以及向船公司网站提供的任何信息、内容或数据构成用户对此类信息的确认,内容或数据可以通过并存储在船公司无法控制的服务器中,并且可以由此类站点的管理员和其他能够访问船公司服务器或存储文件的用户访问。用户同意,承运人对因此类传递或储存而导致或与之相关的任何披露,无论是授权的还是未授权的,均不承担任何责任。
  • 5.1) 如果中远海运集运或其代理收到的任何通信要求他们为注册用户(或其代表)的利益与第三方进行交易,则注册用户指定他们作为其代理人。注册用户应赔偿并使中远海运集运、其关联公司、联营公司和代理免受任何索赔、损失、诉讼、诉讼、损害或其他任何责任(包括他们为妥协或解决索赔而支付的损害或赔偿),以及所有法律费用或其他费用,因其作为注册用户代理人的活动而遭受的损失,或因其作为注册用户代理人的活动而遭受的损失,除非由中远航运公司的疏忽造成
  • 5.2)中远海运集运或其代理人将其收到的通信、信息或内容传递给第三方或以其他方式与第三方进行交易对于以下情况,注册用户(或其代表)、中远海运集运及其代理不承担任何责任:(a)第三方在处理通信、信息或内容方面的任何延迟或失败;或(b)第三方对任何通信、信息或内容的使用或依赖。
  • 6)注册用户和个人用户可能无法访问或使用任何保护服务,除非注册用户和/或个人用户安装,实现和维护适当的通信设备(包括满足中远海运集运网站或其他方式不时通知的软件和硬件最低需求)。然而,中远海运集运并不保证,注册用户和/或个人用户在当地根据这些最低要求设置的网站将确保访问、完全功能或有效运作
  • 冲突
  • 若本协议中的使用条款或网站中的任何服务信息与适用的中远海运集运内部文件、协议中包含的信息发生冲突,则以提单背面的条款为准。
  • 链接的网站
  • 中远海运集运不就用户可通过本网站访问的任何其他网站作出任何保证或声明。当用户访问非中远海运集运网站时,请理解它是独立于中远海运集运的,中远海运集运对该网站的内容没有控制权。此外,链接到非中远海运集运网站并不意味着中远海运集运同意或接受对该等网站的内容或使用的任何责任。用户有责任采取预防措施,以确保用户选择使用的任何内容都没有病毒和其他具有破坏性的内容。
  • 法律和地点
  • 本网站以及本使用条款均受中华人民共和国法律管辖。因本网站引起的或与本网站有关的任何争议或索赔,包括本使用条款,应由中华人民共和国上海法院专属管辖。
  • 个人资料
  • 在我们的网站上,中远海运集运可以收集有关姓名、邮政地址、电子邮件地址、其他联系信息、年龄、兴趣、性别、IP地址和其他个人数据的信息。我们的网站是面向普通用户的,中远海运集运不会故意收集任何18岁以下人士的个人资料。在我们的网站上,中远海运集运可以收集有关姓名、邮政地址、电子邮件地址、其他联系信息、年龄、兴趣、性别、IP地址和其他个人数据的信息。我们的网站是面向普通用户的,中远海运集运不会故意收集任何18岁以下人士的个人资料。
  • 中远海运集运处理个人资料的目的如下:
  • • 提供中远海运集运的服务和产品,并满足您的要求和查询
  • • 提供中远海运集运提供的简讯
  • • 下面cookie部分列出的用途
  • 作为一家全球性集团,中远海运集运可能会将我们收集的个人数据汇总或单独转移到不同的部门、同一控股股东的子公司。除非相关法律允许或要求,未经用户同意,不得向中国远洋海运集团有限公司及其附属公司以外的任何人披露个人数据。
  • 当这些数据不再需要用于收集和随后处理的目的时,我们删除或匿名用户的个人数据。
  • 如用户向我们提交个人资料,例如在注册服务时,用户享有查阅及改正资料的某些权利,但须受若干法律限制。
  • 中远海运集运已经实施了适当的组织和技术安全措施,以保护用户的个人数据。中远海运集运将个人数据存储在位于安全设施内的有限访问权限的服务器上,我们的安全措施将持续进行评估。这些服务器受到杀毒软件和防火墙等措施的保护。
  • Cookies
  • 根据GDPR的要求,中远海运集运通过添加更多详细信息来更新cookie策略。中远海运集运主要使用cookies进行统计分析,提高我们网站的用户友好性和可用性,根据您的兴趣定制内容,并参与社交媒体。通过访问我们的网站,您同意我们和第三方使用cookie,如我们的隐私和cookie政策所述。我们提醒您,您的访问权、更正权和删除权、数据可移植性、反对权和其他个人信息安全投诉、举报可以通过发送请求到电子地址support@coscon.com来行使。
  • 以下是我们从cookies收集信息的清单:
  • • 收集用户的令牌以验证用户身份。
  • • 通过使用统计组件来记录网站访问量。
  • • 存储服务器信息,以确保用户在提交第二次访问请求时访问相同的服务器。
  • • 存储语言版本信息,以确保当用户进行第二次访问时,我们的网站显示正确的语言。
  • 如果用户不再希望在您的计算机上存储cookie,则可以删除它们。然而,请注意,中远海运集运网站的高质量可能因此而降低。请参考浏览器的帮助指南以获得进一步的指导。
  • 移动应用
  • 中远海运集运移动APP可能会获取用户移动设备信息,保障和提高我们移动端服务的用户友好性和可用性。通过使用我们的移动APP,您同意我们和第三方使用移动设备信息,如我们的隐私政策所述。
  • APP中使用的权限以及用途如下:
  • 1) 地理位置:根据定位信息帮助用户自动选择地区,可禁用后手动选择;
  • 2) 网络(包含IP地址以及获取网络):需要联网使用相关功能,IP地址获取被用于功能使用统计以及防范网络攻击,可以禁用
  • 3) 手机状态:获取手机识别码,在第三方SDK上需要手机识别码帮助实现推送、统计、问题定位等功能,可以禁用;
  • 4) 安装权限(仅Android):用于版本安装更新,可以禁用;
  • APP中使用的第三方SDK清单及使用权限如下:
  • 1) 腾讯bugly SDK:主要用于收集app在使用过程中崩溃异常情况,帮助开发者进行问题定位统计。
  •     a) 使用权限:读取手机状态,使用网络,获取网络/WIFI状态,读 取日志信息、设备 ID、系统信息以及国家码等。
  • 详情请参 . 腾讯bugly SDK《隐私保护申明》
  • 2) 友盟SDK:主要用于用户信息以及相关功能使用的统计和社会化分享。
  •     a) 使用权限:获取网络/WIFI状态,读取手机状态,使用网络;获取终端设备的唯一设备识别码和用户位置信息及IP地址以便对用户进行数据统计;采集用户的设备标识和社交账户用于社会化分享。
  •     b) 关于U-Share SDK的说明:为了向您提供一键分享服务,我们的产品集成友盟+ U-Share SDK,将收集您的设备标识信息(如IMEI/android ID/IDFA等)和您需要分享的社交账户公开信息,以便完成一键分享服务。为了您的信息安全,我们已与第三方SDK服务商进行数据安全保密约定,这些公司会严格遵守我们的数据隐私和安全要求。除非得到您的同意,我们不会与其共享您的个人身份信息。
  • 详情请参 . 友盟SDK《隐私政策》
  • 3) 极光推送(JPush):用于用户订阅信息等的推送。
  •     a) 使用权限:获取设备信息、网络信息、位置信息,获取读写外部存储、查看网络链接状态、读取手机状态,以推送通知。
  • 详情请参 . 极光SDK《隐私政策》
  • 4) 威讯媒体 Flurry SDK : 主要用于用户信息以及相关功能使用的统计。
  •     a) 使用权限:获取网络/WIFI状态,读取手机状态,使用网络。
  • 详情请参 . Flurry SDK《隐私政策》

Terms of Use

Any USER's access to and use of the COSCO SHIPPING LINES CO., LTD. ("COSCO SHIPPING Lines") Web Site (Including Mobile APP,same hereinafter) is subject to the following Terms of Use. By accessing, browsing and/or using this COSCO SHIPPING Lines web site ("Web Site"), USER acknowledges that he has read, understood, and agreed to be bound by these Terms of Use and agrees to comply with all applicable laws and regulations. If USER does not agree to these terms, do not use this Web Site. COSCO SHIPPING Lines may at any time revise these Terms of Use, and USER will be bound by such revisions and should therefore periodically visit the Web Site to review any updating of the Terms of Use.

  • The user agrees that:
  • 1) All information contained in the Web Site shall remain at all times the property of COSCO SHIPPING Lines.
  • 2) While the Web Site may contain other proprietary notices and copyright information, the Terms and Conditions of which have to obeyed and followed by the USER.
  • 3) USER shall not make any attempt to ascertain or obtain a Password assigned to any third party by COSCO SHIPPING Lines or to make access to Information with respect to shipments of any third party with COSCO SHIPPING Lines by using any Password other than the Password assigned to a particular USER.
  • 4) COSCO SHIPPING Lines will use information provided by the USER for identification and contact related to its service and applications in order to establish service for the USER. In carrying out its services, COSCO SHIPPING Lines may provide USER's information to its agents, group companies, subcontractors or independent contractors to the extent that such information is required for maintenance or service improvements. COSCO SHIPPING Lines will do its best to supervise the security management of the aforementioned parties in order to safeguard such information.
  • 5) At any time COSCO SHIPPING Lines may change and update any material on this Web Site without prior notice.
  • 6) All information presented in the Web Site is considered for information purposes only and does not constitute a legal contract between COSCO SHIPPING Lines and USER unless otherwise specified.
  • 7) USER shall keep its Password and all information with respect to its shipments with COSCO SHIPPING Lines confidential, and not reveal it to any third party except its directors, officers and employees (and, as to Information with respect to particular shipment(s), except broker, forwarder, shipper, consignee and/or notify party of such shipment(s)). USER shall further ensure that such directors, officers, and employees shall keep USER's Password and all such information confidential and not reveal them to any third party.
  • 8) Should USER's Password and/or any information with respect to USER's shipments with COSCO SHIPPING Lines be revealed except as permitted by the preceding paragraphs, USER shall promptly notify COSCO SHIPPING Lines of any such occurrence and shall defend, indemnify and hold COSCO SHIPPING Lines harmless from and against any complaint, claim, liability, loss, damage and expense, including attorney's fees, arising out of, or in connection with, such revelation, or any subsequent misuse, alteration, misappropriation, or fraudulent use of such Password and/or Information.
  • 9) USER confirms that COSCO SHIPPING Lines shall be free of any liability from revealing USER's Password, or any Shipment Information obtained through the use of USER's Password, by any third party, unless such disclosure was caused by COSCO SHIPPING Lines' gross negligence.
  • 10) Payment
  • 10.1 The Registered USER will promptly pay all fees and charges applicable to any product or Protected Service within the time and in the manner for payment specified on the Website or as otherwise specified by COSCO SHIPPING Lines.
  • 10.2 All sums specified on this Website or otherwise are exclusive of any sales and/or any other taxes relating to the supply of the products or services which shall be paid by the Registered USER at the applicable rate.
  • 11)If the MERCHANT (includes the Consignor, the Shipper, the Receiver, the Consignee, the Owner of the Goods, the Holder or Endorsee of Bill of Lading, any Person owing, entitled to or claiming the possession of the Goods or Bill of Lading and anyone acting on behalf of any such person) fails to declare the cargo came correctly as per the agreement, conceal and incorrect declare the nature of cargo's danger, carrier shall (1) be entitled to request the MERCHANT to pay the liquidated damage USD10000 to the carrier within TWO working days from the date when the carrier find the concealment of declaration, (2) terminate the transportation of the shipment which was concealed declared by the MERCHANT and the other shipments of the same MERCHANT at once till the true cargo name and nature is identified, (3) have a lien on the cargo, return or auction the dangerous cargo which was concealed declared, furthermore, all cost and loss occurred will be on Merchant's account. The aforesaid clause shall be no impact on the carrier's claim against the MERCHANT for the loss and cost sustained by the carrier in consequence of incorrect declaration cargo name, concealed and incorrect declaration of the nature of cargo's danger as well as the measures (lien/auction) taken on the cargo which still under carrier's control shipped by the MERCHANT to achieve carrier's claim.
  • 12) If the MERCHANT (same as definition which stated in the TERMS AND CONDITON) changed the container's structure without authorization which leads to the breach of the agreement, (insert client name) shall pay the liquidated damage USD2000 to the carrier within TWO working days from the date when the carrier find the container's structure changed. The aforesaid clause shall be no impact on the carrier's claim against the MERCHANT for the loss and cost sustained by the carrier in consequence of changing the container's structure without authorization by MERCHANT.
  • Use Restrictions
  • The copyright in all material, including, but not limited to data, text, graphic, images, sound, and/or video, presented on this Web Site is held by COSCO SHIPPING Lines or by the original creator of the material. None of the material may be copied, reproduced, distributed, published, posted, adapted, displayed or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of COSCO SHIPPING Lines or the copyright owner. USER also may not, without COSCO SHIPPING Lines' written permission, "mirror" any material contained on this Web Site on any other server. Any unauthorized use of any material contained on this Web Site may violate the laws and regulations under the People's Republic of China, and the international treaties concerned.
  • Errors
  • All material on this Web Site is provided "as is" with no guarantee of accuracy, timeliness, completeness, reliability or of results obtained from the use of this material and without warranty of any kind, expressed or implied. COSCO SHIPPING Lines or any of its affiliates, subsidiaries, directors, employees, agents or representatives of any kind ("Related Parties") is not responsible or liable for any errors, inaccuracies or omissions or from the results obtained from the use of this material.
  • COSCO SHIPPING Lines and its Related Parties make no guarantee that USER may access, browse or use the Web Site in any time, and shall not be liable for the continued access to and use of Web Site and its material.
  • Privacy
  • Except as set out below, COSCO SHIPPING Lines does not publish or disseminate any of the information registered via the Web Site.
  • 1) Obtain the express authorization of the user
  • 2) compliance with applicable law
  • 3) According to the court or the arbitration organization of the referee or ruling, and other judicial program requirements.
  • 4) According to the requirements of the relevant government departments.
  • 5) USER or USER's actions on the Web Site violating the Terms of Use or other actions aggrieving the interests.USER or USER's actions on the Web Site violating the Terms of Use or other actions aggrieving the interests.
  • 6) Must be exercised in order for the services provided by Carrier to the MERCHANT to be carried out normally.
  • Exclusion of Liability
  • 1) In no events will COSCO SHIPPING Lines, and its Related Parties be liable for any decision made or action taken in reliance on the material on this Web Site or for any loss, damage or claims of whatever nature or for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, special, punitive or other damages whatsoever, including without limitation to, liability for business interruption or loss of data or profits arising out of access to or use of this Web Site, even if COSCO SHIPPING Lines is expressly advised on the possibility of such damages.
  • 2) COSCO SHIPPING Lines and its Related Parties assume no responsibility, and shall not be held liable for any damages to or viruses or other items of destructive nature that may infect USER's computer, any other software, hardware or other IT systems or other property on account of USER's access to or use of or browsing of the Web Site or USER's downloading of any material from the Web Site.
  • 3) COSCO SHIPPING Lines and its Related Parties assumes no responsibility, and shall not be held liable for any damages whatsoever due to any third party's unjustified access to the Web Site, passwords or information or data in the Web Site.
  • 4) Third Party Hosting Service
    We contract with one or more third parties to maintain and host the Carriers' Web site. Therefore, any information USER submit, including personally identifiable information, will be placed and stored on a computer server maintained by such third party. USER’s use of the Carriers' Web site and any provision of information, content or data to the Carriers' Web site constitutes USER’s acknowledgement that such information, content or data could pass through and may be stored in servers outside the control of Carriers and may be accessed by the administrator of such site and others that gain access to Carriers' server or stored files. USER’s agree that Carriers have no liability or responsibility for any disclosure, authorized or unauthorized, resulting from or arising in connection with such pass through or storage of same.
  • 5.1) If any Communication received by COSCO SHIPPING Lines or its agents requires them to deal for the benefit of the Registered User (or on its behalf) with a third party, the Registered User appoints them to do so as its agent. The Registered User shall indemnify and hold harmless COSCO SHIPPING Lines, its affiliates, associates and agents against any claims, losses, actions, proceedings, damage or other liabilities whatsoever (including damages or compensation paid by them to compromise or settle a claim), and all legal costs or other expenses, suffered by them as a result of, arising out of or otherwise relating to its activities as the Registered User's agent unless caused by COSCO SHIPPING Lines' negligence.
  • 5.2) Where COSCO SHIPPING Lines or its agents pass Communications, information or content they receive to a third party or otherwise deal with a third party for the benefit of the Registered User (or on its behalf), COSCO SHIPPING Lines and its agents are not responsible for: (a) any delay or failure by the third party in processing the Communication, information or content; or (b) the use of or reliance on any Communication, information or content by the third party.
  • 6) A Registered User and Individual Users may be unable to access or use any Protected Services unless the Registered User and/or Individual Users installs, implements and maintains appropriate communication facilities (including software and hardware meeting the minimum requirements from time to time notified by COSCO SHIPPING Lines web site or otherwise). However, COSCO SHIPPING Lines does not warrant that the local set-up of the Registered User and/or Individual Users in accordance with such minimum requirements will ensure access to, full functionality of or effective operation of the Website. The Registered User shall ensure that any party using such Protected Services on its behalf obtains any consents and/or licenses/permits required by law for such use.
  • Conflict
  • In case of any conflict between the Terms of Use herein or any service information in the Web Site and the information contained in the applicable COSCO SHIPPING Lines' internal documentation, agreement, the terms on the back of the B/L shall prevail.
  • Linked Web Sites
  • COSCO SHIPPING Lines makes no warrants or representations whatsoever regarding any other web site which USER may access through this Web Site. When USER access to a non-COSCO SHIPPING Lines web site, please understand that it is independent from COSCO SHIPPING Lines and that COSCO SHIPPING Lines has no control over the content of that web site. In addition, a link to a non-COSCO SHIPPING Lines web site does not mean that COSCO SHIPPING Lines endorses or accepts any responsibility for the content or the use of such web site. It is up to USER to take precautions to ensure that whatever USER select for USER's use is free of viruses and other items of destructive nature.
  • Law and Venue
  • This Web Site, as well as these Terms of Use, shall be governed/constructed by the laws of the People's Republic of China. Any dispute or claim arising out of or in relation to this Web Site, including these Terms of Use, shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Court in Shanghai, the People's Republic of China.
  • Personal data
  • On our websites, COSCO SHIPPING Lines may collect information about name, postal address, email address, other contact information, age, interests, gender, IP addresses and other personal data. Our websites are intended for a general audience, and COSCO SHIPPING Lines does not knowingly collect personal data about any person under the age of 18 years.
  • COSCO SHIPPING Lines process personal data for the following purposes:
  • • Provision of COSCO SHIPPING Lines services and products and to accommodate your requests and inquiries
  • • Provision of newsletters offered by COSCO SHIPPING Lines
  • • The purposes listed in the below cookie section
  • As a global group COSCO SHIPPING Lines may transfer personal data collected by us on an aggregated or individual level to various divisions, subsidiaries of the same controlled shareholder. Personal data will not be disclosed to anyone outside the COSCO SHIPPING Group and its subsidiaries without USER’s consent unless permitted or required under applicable legislation.
  • We delete or anonymize USER's personal data when it is no longer needed for the purposes for which it was collected and subsequently processed.
  • If USER submits personal data to us, e.g. when registering for a newsletter, USER enjoys certain rights to access and rectify data, however, subject to certain legal limitations.
  • COSCO SHIPPING Lines have implemented appropriate organizational and technical security measures to protect USER's personal data. COSCO SHIPPING Lines store personal data on servers with limited access located in secured facilities, and our security measures are evaluated on an ongoing basis. The servers are protected by anti-virus software and firewalls, among other measures.
  • Cookies
  • As Required by GDPR, COSCO SHIPPING Lines updates the cookie policy by adding more details. COSCO SHIPPING Lines uses cookies mainly for statistical analysis, improving the user friendliness and usability of our website, tailoring content to your interests and engaging with social media. By visiting our website, you consent to our and third party use of cookies as described in our privacy and cookie policy. We remind you that your rights of access, rectification and deletion, data portability and opposition,and other personal information security complaints, reports, which can be exercised sending a request to electronic address support@coscon.com.
  • A cookie is a small text file, which is stored on USER's computer in order to recognize USER's computer at recurring visits. The cookie may transmit information via USER's browser with a purpose of authenticating or identifying the computer (via e.g. the IP address) or the user. Cookies may contain information such as registration data and user preferences. When a server receives a request from a computer which stores a cookie from the website, the server is able to use the information stored in the cookie in combination with the information stored on the server. A cookie cannot collect information from USER's computer and cannot carry any virus or other damaging files.
    • The following is the list of our collecting information from cookies:
    • • Collect user's token to verify user identity.
    • • By using statistical component to record the count of website visits.
    • • Store the server information to ensure that user access the same server when he (or she) submit the second access request.
    • • Store the language version information to ensure that our website show the correct language when the user does his (or her) second access. USER may delete cookies if USER no longer wishes to store them on your computer. However, please note that the high quality of COSCO SHIPPING Lines website may be reduced as a consequence thereof. Please refer to the help guide for your browser for further guidance.
  • • For Internet Explorer, a help guide is available here
  • • For Mozilla, a help guide is available here
  • • For Chrome, a help guide is available here
  • • For Safari, a help guide is available . here
  • • For iOS, a help guide is available . here
  • • For Android, a help guide is available . here
  • Mobile APP
  • COSCO SHIPPING Lines mobile app may acquire the user's mobile equipment information, guarantee and improve the user friendliness and availability of our mobile services. By using our mobile app, you agree that we and third parties use mobile device information as described in our privacy policy.
  • The permissions and purposes used in the app are as follows:
  • 1) Geographic location: help the user to automatically select the region according to the location information, which can be disabled and manually selected;
  • 2) Network (including IP address and access to network): it needs to use related functions in the network. IP address access is used for function usage statistics and prevention of network attacks, which can be disabled;
  • 3) Mobile phone status: to obtain mobile phone ID code, and use it on the third-party SDK to help realize push, statistics, problem location and other functions, which can be disabled;
  • 4) Installation permission (Android only): for version installation and update, it can be disabled;
  • The list of third-party SDKs used in the app and their permissions are as follows:
  • 1) Tencent's bugly SDK: it is mainly used to collect app crash exceptions during use, and help developers locate problems.
  •     a) Usage rights: read the mobile phone status, use the network, get the network / WiFi status, read the log information, device ID, system info and country code etc.
  • For more information, please visit . Tencent's bugly SDK Privacy Protection Statement .
  • 2) Umeng SDK: mainly used for statistics of user information and related functions and social shares.
  •     a) Usage rights: get the network / WiFi status, read the mobile phone status, and use the network. Get the unique device identification code of the terminal device and user location information and IP address for user data statistics. Collect device info and the social account information for a sharing function.
  •     b) A note about U-Share SDK: In order to provide you with one-click sharing service, our App has integrated Umeng+  U-Share SDK , which will collect your device identifiable information (such as IMEI/android ID/IDFA, etc.) and public information of social account in order to share information with social account. For your information security, we have made data security confidentiality agreements with Umeng+, who will strictly abide by our data privacy and security requirements. We will not share your personal identifiable information unless authorized by you.
  • For more information, please visit . Umeng SDK Privacy Policy .
  • 3) Aurora push (jpush): push for user subscription information, etc.
  •     a) Usage rights: get device info, network info, location info, get read and write external storage, get the network/WiFi status, read the status of mobile phone to push notifications.
  • For more information, please visit . Aurora push SDK Privacy Policy .
  • Verizon Media Flurry SDK: mainly used for statistics of user information and related functions.
  •     a) Usage rights: get the network / WiFi status, read the mobile phone status, and use the network.
  • For more information, please visit . Flurry SDK Privacy Policy .